- Name: Brady Jones
- Nickname: Beetlejuice
- Nickname Origin: “From Chad Grace.”
- Age: 16, about to turn 17
Introducing Brady “Beetlejuice” Jones! Brady joined the J&R family back in August of 2020 and has been riding BMX since he was just about 8 years old. “I didn’t like any of the conventional sports and one day my dad asked me if I wanted to try BMX,” he remembers. Once he got on a BMX bike, he caught the spark and was off to the races.
Brady says his favorite part of BMX racing is all the friendships he has made. Of course, racing comes with plenty of challenges and one of Brady’s biggest is staying healthy. “I have had a lot of injuries,” he says. Brady says his favorite track to ride is High Springs in High Springs, FL because, “It’s smooth and fun.” And his favorite rider is Griffin Kelleher, “Because he’s the best ginger rider of all time.”
With 8 years of racing already under his belt, Brady has lots of BMX achievements to reflect on. The accomplishments he is most proud of are racing for Team USA and being named Florida Rider of the Year. Looking down the track ahead, he is most excited for the upcoming Worlds at Rock Hill. “It’s when I move to the 17-20 class,” he explains.
We look forward to seeing you up on the podium, Brady! Best of luck from the whole J&R Family!
Fun Facts about Brady:
“I also really enjoy working on bikes. I have pretty much become the go to for our team riders when they have bike issues.”